I was nominated for The Blogger Recognition Award by Rebecca from Rebecca Reads and Sheila from She’s Going Book Crazy for this tag. Thank you both!
How My Blog Began
I began blogging at the beginning of March in 2015. I actually started blogging at my dad’s recommendation. He’d been suggesting it for over a year before I finally gained the courage to start my own blog. I was reading over 100 books a year at that time (oh, how nice it was to be in high school and have the time to do this) and my dad thought I should write reviews of what I was reading. I had a twitter and tumblr account already where I was plugged into the book community, but I was nervous at first about sharing my writing and opinions, which is why it took me so long to finally take the leap. But I did and here I am over two years later!
Advice for New Bloggers
First, don’t stress about blogging! If you’re doing this for the right reasons, it should be a fun outlet for you to discuss books with others. Don’t worry about posting if you’re away on a trip or stressed about school, work, or life in general. Trust me, everybody understands and won’t hold it against you.
Second, be careful about what you request when you start to request ARCs (off of NetGalley or from the publisher directly). It’ll save you a lot of time and energy if you only request books you actually want to read or think you might like. Also remember to be thankful for the books you receive as ARCs are not a right.
That’s some great advice! I remember when I started blogging I requested wayyyyy more than I could read, and didn’t have time to read them all. And I wasn’t even that interested in some.
Thanks for the nomination too!!
You’re welcome! I’m excited to read your post!
I think we all go through that ARC overload phase! I was just so excited that publishers were willing to give little ole’ me a shot at reading their work before everyone else.
I think it’s also important not to worry about numbers at the beginning. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in those view numbers and how many followers you have. It can be so easy to play the comparison game!
So true—great advice!
That is the best advice you can give and something that every blogger learns if they stick around long enough.
The arc’s will overwhelm you and if you aren’t having fun and connecting with people there is really no point in sticking with this.
For What It’s Worth
Thanks, Karen! I’m glad to hear my advice is helpful! 😀
What a fun award!
Thanks for the nomination!
I totally agree with the ARC advice! It’s easy to just go on a requesting spree on NetGalley but then you end up with a lot of ARCs you don’t actually care that much about and reading them becomes a lot less fun 🙁
You’re very welcome! And I’m glad you agree with me 🙂
Yay! Great advice!