Susan Dennard Q&A

susan dennard q&a  - theheartofabookbloggerI’m excited to share my ninth author Q&A with all of you! Today’s features Susan Dennard, author of the Something Strange & Deadly trilogy and the upcoming high-fantasy series debut, Truthwitch.

  • Jordan: Which one of your characters do you relate the most to?
  • Susan Dennard: I relate to Iseult’s outsider-ness in Truthwitch. I think her arc is one a lot of bullied teens & adults can recognize. I still adore/relate to Daniel a lot!
  • J: Which character’s POV has been the easiest to get into? Hardest?
  • SD: In Truthwitch, I really struggled with Iseult because she’s so NOT normal with her emotional reactions and awareness. 😛 I also struggled with Merik later in the book because he’s so morally black-or-white that he can be inflexible! As for the easiest: I loved writing Aeduan! He’s very…unemotional (at least on the surface) and that’s fun to play with!
  • J: Which YA protagonists (from any series) do you think would get along best with your main characters?
  • SD: I honestly have no idea!! Ha! That’s harrrdddd. I’ll have to think on it!
  • J: Is there a specific trait that one of your characters have that you wish had?
  • SD: I wish I was braver! For sure, I wish I had the ballsy courage my heroines all have 😉
  • J: Is there anything you regret writing (or not writing) in one of your books?
  • SD: OH MY GOSH YES. Heaps of things. I would rewrite them all from scratch given the chance. 😉 Authors are never happy.
  • J: Who are your favorite minor characters to write?
  • SD: I still adore Oliver from SS&D. And in Truthwitch, Kullen is really a fan favorite!
  • J: Which character do you love to hate? (Yours or others!)
  • SD: I love to hate Draco, of course! Oh, and Zuko! (Both, of course, have some redemption arcs too!)
  • J: What is one of your favorite scenes you’ve written?
  • SD: I still adore the dynamite scene in SS&D. But my new favorite scene is Chapter 15 in Truthwitch 😉
  • J: What’s your favorite part of the writing process? Least favorite?
  • SD: Fave = revising and layering in a story’s depth! Least fave = drafting
  • J: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  • J: Who’s your current book boyfriend?
  • SD: Jack from Blood Red Road is my forever book boyfriend
  • J: What was the last tv show you binge-watched?
  • SD: I’m in the middle of binging FRIENDS (along with Erin Bowman) & I am so amazed at HOW GOOD IT IS!

Thanks for answering all my questions, Sooz! I’m so excited for Truthwitch, and I hope you all are too! While waiting for January 5th, be sure to check out #TruthwitchTuesday on twitter each week for fun activities and surprises!

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