Over this past May and June, I spent five weeks in London as a part of a summer program through my college. During free time one weekend, a few of the other students on my trip and I went on the Tour For Muggles, a walking tour based on locations that inspired JK Rowling’s writing and from the Harry Potter films. In celebration of JK Rowling and Harry Potter’s birthday today, I am sharing the photos I took from this tour + a couple other Harry Potter spots I visited!
At the beginning of Half-Blood Prince film, Voldemort sends Death Eaters to destroy Millennium Bridge.

One of the filming locations we visited was were Ron Weasley hid before breaking into the Ministry of Magic in Deathly Hallows Part 1. Fun fact, the lamp post was added in during editing!

Across the street from Ron’s wall, is the Ministry of Magic entrance Harry and Mr. Weasley use. There’s no phone booth there in real life as it was added for filming purposes only.

Not on the tour itself, I could not pass up the opportunity to visit Platform 9¾ at King’s Cross Station! I had seen plenty of photos of the cart going into the platform before, but I hadn’t realized there was a store connected to it and a professional photographer there to take photos.
Lastly, I was lucky enough to have the chance to see Cursed Child. The saying “a play is meant to be seen, not read” could not be more true than for Cursed Child. It was an absolutely magical performance, and I was so impressed by all the stage effects!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Harry Potter inspired tour of London!
*Photos from the Harry Potter films are not mine, but all other photos are.*
Thank you for this fun post! someday I want to visit England and I’ll have to go on this tour if still offered.
You should definitely try to go on this tour someday! It was great and included so many fun facts that I hadn’t known before.
Wow! What an incredible opportunity. I love seeing your pictures alongside the screenshots from the movie. You always have such creative posts!
Thank you for the kind words, Kate! I’m glad you enjoyed this tour! <3
I didn’t realize there was a walking tour of Harry Potter locales! That is a fantastic opportunity; you’re so lucky! I probably would’ve been fangirling all over the place.
It was fantastic! There was plenty of fangirling going on as everyone on my tour were huge fans + the tour guide was excellent and a huge fan himself!
this looks like so much fun!! 🙂 i did a tour like this a few years ago, but i don’t think that we visited nearly as many places. loved reading the post and seeing your photos!
madeline @ a paper reverie
Thank you! This wasn’t even all of the places we visited either—just the ones I had the best photos of/could find the HP corresponding film scene!
This is such a fun post! I’ve never visited England but it is on my list. Maybe in 2018 I will finally get there for a week, but I have always wanted to do an HP tour!
Hopefully you’ll get over theres soon! This was my first time there and I loved it—already hoping to go back! And you should definitely do a HP tour when you go!
I’m seeing Cursed Child this December. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
That’s so exciting! I hope you love it! Have you read the script already?
This post is great! I love the side by side photo comparisons of movie stills and your experiences. Sounds like you had a great time! I personally didn’t care much for The Cursed Child, but I do think it would be better if seen in play form.
Thank you, Inge! I haven’t read Cursed Child yet, but I know the story is kind of lacking. However, all the stage effects so are incredible!
I am REALLY JEALOUS!! Gaaah! I will definitely do this when I ever get to London! 🙂
You definitely should, Zeee!! 🙂
Interesting seeing those pics and hearing the stories behind them. I still havent read The Cursed Child yet but adore all the Potter books.
Thank you! 🙂