We’ve all been here. Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about the moment when you read the last line in a book and realize it’s actually over (and that you have to wait year for the sequel). So without further ado, 8 stages every bookworm can relate to when processing a cliffhanger…as told in gifs.
#1: Denial that the book is over
#2: Anger over the ending
#3: Questioning everything you just read
#4: Getting your friends to read it
But really on the inside you’re like
#5: Waiting a year for the next book
#6: Acceptance
But really, that never lasts long because a title/cover/synopsis/excerpt is released and you’re pulled back in
#7: Excitement about the next book
#8: And finally, starting the sequel
HAHAHAHAHAHA I love this so much! It is such an awesome compilation of gifs that express my feelings EXACTLY. But depending on the type of cliffhanger, my reactions can change. If they are really good and I’ve enjoyed the book , I usually react like these gifs. But if I hated it, I’ll just give up on the series and be annoyed for the next week haha.
Great post!
Kate @Read and Dream
Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I definitely agree with you about just giving up on series that have cliffhangers I hate.
Thank you! 🙂
That’s so true xD waiting a year for the next book is SO hard but understandable! It’s always exciting when the next book comes out 🙂
That’s why I like to wait for series to be completed before starting them! I definitely do still start series as they come out if it’s a book I’m really looking forward to or author I really like, but if I know it’s close to being completed, I’ll just wait.
This is so true! I went through my first book hangover with the Throne of Glass series, which I finished in a matter of weeks and now have to wait until September for the next book. Thanks for leading me to your blog 🙂
I can’t even remember what my first book hangover was! Maybe for Ally Carter’s Gallagher Girls series? Thanks for visiting! 🙂